Becoming comfortable in being uncomfortable: Navigating through major life changes

The topic of “Becoming comfortable in being uncomfortable” has been a recurring topic in a lot of the podcast episodes I’ve recorded recently. Each guest that I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to so far have each shared amazing stories of how they were able to find their true calling, or how they overcame a major setback in their life. They all came from different walks of life, but they all had a story about taking risks and challenging themselves, to get to where they are now.

Personally, I’m no stranger to risk-taking. I’ve changed careers, traveled to different countries alone, you name it.  As a mom, I've learned that courage is a key skill that can help us navigate the challenges of parenthood and life in general. From experiencing sleepless nights, managing a busy schedule, or facing unexpected hurdles, being able to embrace discomfort with confidence and resilience can make a huge difference in our ability to thrive as parents and individuals.

One of the biggest risks I took was when my family and I decided to move from California and leave everything—our friends, businesses, communities—behind and start fresh in Texas. It was such a scary thing to start anew in unfamiliar territory, but it was also one of the most exciting things we’ve ever experienced.

Another uncomfortable time was actually when I was starting ‘Work Hard Smile Large’. This mantra has been in my family for a little while and has helped us immensely after the move. So I thought to myself that I wanted to share the positive light this has with the people around me. And now, Work Hard Smile Large has evolved into not just a small, woman owned company, but a community of people who share the same mindset.

Reframing your mindset about discomfort is important. Instead of seeing discomfort as something to be avoided, maybe try seeing it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Embrace the discomfort as a natural part of the growth process and focus on the positive outcomes that can result from pushing through the discomfort.

I encourage you to take that leap of faith, challenge yourself, and step outside your comfort zone. Embrace the discomfort, for it is where true growth and fulfillment lie.

Here's to a life filled with endless possibilities and remarkable adventures.


Splashing into Summer 2023 | Work Hard Smile Large


Gratitude in Action