2023 Youth Vision Mapping

Please join us for an hour long vision mapping event that will inspire and support your journey for 2023. This virtual hybrid event, held both in-person and virtually, will include guest speakers sharing their unique expertise for developing positivity that is driven by hard work. Together we will individually create a vision map that will start the story you want for 2023.

What kind of year can you foster with unlimited...

▪️Kindness ▪️Mindfulness ▪️ Dedication ▪️ Collaboration ▪️ Adaptability ▪️Health

We well explore and determine our our vision about:

  1. Family

  2. Travel & Leisure

  3. Educational Career

  4. Health

  5. Hobbies

  6. Spirituality

  7. Friendships

More details to come! RSVP today: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/youth-ambassadors-vision-mapping-tickets-470679273377


Missions, Visions, and Manifestations


✨ Lets map each of our life's vision for 2023 together ✨