MAY 27, 2022
Is there any better way to kick off the start of Summer than with a pool party? We don’t think so either.
We donated dozens of sparkle filled inner tubes boasting the Work Hard Smile Large logo and created what most find irresistible, a sunshine filled afternoon floating with your besties and meeting new friends. The student’s and neighbors were greeted with fun iridescent logo visors, the irresistible floaties, Smarties candies to celebrate their accolades and stickers!
We celebrated the commencement of summer, spread the word about Work Hard Smile Large, and watched our kids build connections with each other. Moms & dads got to chat about summer activities and their love of what Word Hard Smile Large is aiming to support in our professional, youth and community events.
This was the perfect environment to show the community that Work Hard Smile Large is blasting off to support the young entrepreneurs and we can’t wait to see who shows up for this event the second year in a row coming May, 2023!